

Normally, I’m not one to procrastinate, but lately, I’ve been so busy that I prefer to use my down time doing things I enjoy rather than keeping up with the mundane chores of life.  Today was a mixture of both.  I’m embarrassed to say that I still had a few Christmas decorations up in my house (those are usually gone on New Year’s day), my house needs a good cleaining, and my checkbook hadn’t been balanced since September (oops, didn’t realize it had been that long!).

Well, I got two out of the three done today, then I decided that laziness should reign supreme on a holiday weekend.  Soon enough, I’ll be back in my stress-filled daily life, so I might as well take advantage of a good opportunity to do nothing…I almost felt like today was the calm before the storm.  Next week is going to be really stressful and since I’m traveling, I won’t have much free time.  This is the type of trip where you work all day, then have a team dinner, go back to your hotel and work all night.  Not fun.

Oh well, at least I have tomorrow off!  Have a great MLK day everyone.


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