You want to go bowling?

Little did I know it, but those five words would forever change my life.  Nineteen years ago today, Gary picked me up at my parents house for our first date — dinner and bowling.  At the time, I didn’t realize how important that date would be; I had no idea that one day this guy would become the most important man in my life. 

We met at church and knew each other a few months before going out on our first date.  Initially, I wasn’t too certain about it:  (1) we hung out with different groups of people, (2) he didn’t meet my typical profile (first blonde guy I ever went out with), and (3) by dating him, I would be breaking one of my cardinal rules of dating — no younger guys!  Okay, he was only 4 months younger than me, but still, it was a rule. 

Looking back, I’m really glad I broke that rule — and blondes are definitely better.  We’ve been married for fourteen years now, and I can honestly say that I’m more in love with him now than when we first got married.  He’s my best friend and one of the funniest, most talented people I know.  I don’t think he’s ever met a stranger, and I love that about him.  With Gary, every day is an adventure.  He even made bowling fun that night (and I’m not a big fan of the game). 

We’ve been together ever since.  Five years after that first date, we were married, and the rest is history. 


Who would have thought that one innocent night of bowling could lead to all that?  Not me, but I’m so glad it did.

Happy 19th “first date” anniversary, Gary! 


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No Responses

  1. Gary says:

    Wow! 19 years! Our relationship is older than we were when we first went bowling. Let’s go bowling tonight and celebrate.

  2. LeEllen says:

    I’m glad you broke your rule, also. We can’t imagine life without Uncle Gary.. We love you guys and now I’m all emotional.

  3. Laura P says:

    Yeah, I may need to take a rain check on the bowling…maybe next year? 😉