All is Fairplay in Love and Survivor

Yes, it’s back.  Survivor kicked off its 16th season tonight with a new group of castaways.  However, not all of the cast members are new to the game.  To make things interesting this season, the producers are pitting “fans” against “favorites”.  

Amongst the 10 favorites is Jonny Fairplay, the guy who lied about the death of his grandmother in a previous episode.  He’s the guy everyone loves to hate.  Obnoxious and cunning, Jonny is a snake, but you have to admit that he’s entertaining.  When we first see him tonight, he is dressed like Jeff Probst and proudly wears a “will lie 4 food” hat on his head.  That was a classic Jonny moment.  It wasn’t long until he was up to his old tricks, trying to manipulate everyone on the team.

**if you haven’t seen the episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled, stop reading now** 

Unfortunately, it all backfired on him, and he was voted out at tribal council tonight.  He hatched a crazy story about missing his pregnant girlfriend and told people he wanted to go home.  The story was supposed to be a distraction to make one alliance think that everyone was voting for Jonny.  In reality, Jonny’s alliance was supposed to vote for Eliza.  They didn’t.  The rest is history.  I guess they were all too smart to trust him this time around.  He was outplayed….unless you really believe his story about wanting to go home.  I don’t.

Although, I’ll miss Jonny’s antics, I still think this season will be interesting.  It has a good mix of new, unique competitors and old, beloved characters.  I’m looking forward to more.


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  1. Ruth says:

    I’ve been looking forward to another season of Survivor. I was very glad that Johnny was the first to be sent home. It seems that at least some of the favorites are people you “love to hate”.

    I wonder what will happen next week with two romances starting within the same team and how that will affect the other favorites on the team.

  2. Laura P says:

    Yeah, this looks like a good season. I was hoping Jonny would be around for a bit longer. He’s just so much fun to watch, but there are others that I love to hate too. And, I like Yau-man and James.

    Next week will be interesting with the budding relationships…Pavarty gets on my nerves though. I don’t like her being with James. Oh well, it makes for interesting TV. 🙂