You Wanna Be On Top?

One of my guilty pleasures is watching America’s Next Top Model.  My favorite episodes are the makeover shows.  Usually, there’s one girl that breaks down crying or freaks out because of what they’ve done to her hair.  I find the girl drama hilariously entertaining. 

So, I was excited when I learned that it was time for the makeovers tonight.  That excitement was short-lived, however.  Much to my dismay, the producers changed things this year.  The girls weren’t told about their new hairstyles in advance.  They just had to sit down and wait to see the finished look in the mirror.  This change lessened the drama.  There was no angst about what was going to happen.  No crying.  No backing out.  Bummer.   

All we got was one girl whining about how much the weave hurt.   To echo Allison’s sentiments, it was just Fatima being her annoying self.  Boohoo.  The pain was worth it, though, because she looked fierce after the work was done. 

Maybe I should consider a weave or extensions.  I’d love to have long, thick hair, and that’s probably the only way I’m ever going to get it.  I lost out on the genetic lottery when it comes to full hair.  Most likely, I’ll never do it, but it’s fun to fantasize.  Having red hair would be fun too, but I’m not ready to go there either. 

At the end of the night, Allison was voted out.  Throughout the episode, she went on and on about how she had more experience in modeling than the other girls.  She bragged about her travel and expertise, but it didn’t come through in her pictures. 

That’s what happens when you think you know everything.  You don’t.  It pays to be humble and learn from others.  I don’t care who it is, you can learn something from each person you meet.  Just because you have experience doesn’t mean you are better than others.  

Another flaw of Allison is that she felt entitled to be there.  She irked the judges when she wouldn’t even utter a single word of thanks.  Here’s a simple, but important lesson everyone should learn early in life — a little gratitude goes a long way with people.  Never be slow to give thanks.

Well, that’s my recap.  The season just started a couple of weeks ago, so I’m hoping we’ll see more drama as we tune in to find out who will end up “on top”.


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