The Good Friday

After a long work week that started on Sunday, I was delighted to be on vacation today.  I’m happy to report that I am no longer sleep deprived or stressed.  My errands have been completed, and I even had time to do some fun shopping today.  Indeed, it was a good Friday. 

Even though I had a great day, I can’t leave it behind without reflecting on the reason for the holiday.  Good Friday is the day on which Christians commemorate the agonizing sacrifice that Jesus made for the salvation of the world.  His sacrificial death for my sins is something I never want to take lightly.  It’s astounding that anyone would care enough, be selfless enough, to pay the price for my sins, yet that’s exactly what Jesus did.  He gave everything to show His love for the world, for me, for you. 

I can’t begin to imagine the horror and pain He experienced that day.  It’s humbling.  If He never answers another prayer, if I never receive another blessing, His sacrifice is enough.  I owe Him everything; He owes me nothing.  That is why I live for Him, that’s why I love Him, and that’s why my soul will forever sing His praises.  It’s the least I can do considering all He’s done for me.

The exciting part is that the story doesn’t end on a cross.  His death was not the ending, it was simply the beginning.  Sunday is on the way…



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