Surviving the Streets

Tonight one of our most faithful actors didn’t show up for rehearsal. He’s never late. In fact, we can always count on him to be there rain or shine.

We should have known instantly that something was terribly wrong when he didn’t arrive on time. Instead, we just assumed he was running late — until we got the call. He had been involved in an accident on his way to the rehearsal.

Steve is the proud owner of a new motorcycle, and through no fault of his own, he was caught in the danger zone tonight. Steve stopped at an intersection, and shortly thereafter two cars collided. Upon impact, one of the cars began to spin out of control. It hit Steve. He was rushed immediately to the emergency room.

After rehearsal, we dropped by the hospital to check on him. Thankfully, he is going to be all right, but he didn’t get out completely unscathed. His right shoulder is broken; there are multiple fractures. When we were there, the doctors weren’t certain what the next steps would be. His shoulder may require surgery, so please keep him in your prayers. We are hoping for a speedy recovery.


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1 Response

  1. Gary Sr. says:

    So sorry to hear about Bro. McKiddy. We will praying for him. As a matter of fact I talked to Jo Ann just as she was arriving at ladies prayer, and she said she would have the ladies pray for him as well.