My Trip Advisor

Are you planning a trip this summer? If so, you should check out It’s a travel community that features real advice from real travelers. With 15 million reviews and opinions, TripAdvisor is the best place to go to get the scoop on destinations, attractions and hotels for your next trip.

TripAdvisor is the first place I go when planning a trip. No matter what my destination is — Hawaii, Rome, London, Florence, NYC — TripAdvisor has become my personal travel agent. By using the site, I can find the best locations to stay and the highest rated hotels in those areas. I’ve been using it for a few years now, and it’s never failed me.

Booking travel on the Internet is convenient, but it can also be a crap shoot. You never know what you are getting until you arrive at your destination. It’s easy for companies to make their hotel rooms and facilities appealing on the Internet — online pictures can be very misleading. I’ve been burned a few times with hotels that didn’t live up to the descriptions and photos on the Website.

The thing I like about TripAdvisor is that it offers reviews and photos from real travelers who actually stayed at the hotel. They tell you the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s a great way to narrow down the list and find the best places to stay. When you are ready to book your stay, TripAdvisor links you to discount booking sites (i.e. Expedia, Orbitz, so you can get the best rates.

So, the next time you plan to travel, go to TripAdvisor first. You’ll be glad you did.


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