DFW Foreclosures

Foreclosures hit another record high in August. According to CNN Money, 304,000 homes were in default and 91,000 families lost their houses. More than 770,000 homes have been repossessed by lenders since August 2007, when the credit crunch took hold. The numbers are staggering. While the worst hit area has been California, no state is immune to the crisis.

If you’ve ever wondered how widespread the problem is in North Texas, the Dallas Morning News recently launched an interactive foreclosures map. It lets you view the foreclosures that have occurred this year in your neighborhood. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/graphics/0908/foreclosures/.

On a brighter note, here’s a different map that provides hours and hours of fun. It tests how well you know your geography, so not only is it fun, it’s educational. The Traveler IQ Challenge lists certain locations across the world, and you have to find that location on a map. The faster the better because part of your score is based on how quickly you can pinpoint the location.

Check it out, but I warn you, it’s addictive: http://www.travelpod.com/traveler-iq


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