Daily Readings

One of the great things about living in the Internet age is that you can find almost everything you need on the Web — even the Bible. I hate to admit it, but I have a tough time keeping up with my daily Bible readings unless I have a plan to follow. Without a plan, it just becomes a random “open the book and read a chapter” experience. While this “open and point” approach is better than nothing, it doesn’t get me very far in studying God’s word. Plus, I think it’s a good practice to read the entire Bible regularly instead of focusing only on the books I prefer. There are still many lessons to be learned in the drier books — although I do tend to skip over the genealogies. Those names are rough!

Anyway, one of the tools I found to help me stay on top of my reading is at Christianity.com. They have a terrific web site with devotionals, bible study tools, resources, translations and scripture readings. They also have a personal Bible reading plan (i.e. Bible in a Year) that you can start at any time. You simply log in daily and complete the assigned reading. When you’re done, you click the “Finished Reading” button and the “Complete” column shows a checkmark for the selected day’s reading. It’s easy and you can access it from anywhere. I love it when I’m traveling because I don’t have to worry about packing my Bible and damaging it in my suitcase.

If you’re like me and you need a structured plan, check it out. I think it’s much better than the old “Bible in a Year” books and it offers a variety of other resources to complement your daily reading.


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4 Responses

  1. Angela says:

    Laura – how cool is that? I just logged in and created an account. I love that you can pick which version you want, as well as which style you want to read. Like you – I love anything I can do online. Thanks!

  2. Laura says:

    Thanks so much for this…I, too, logged in and created an account to read the Bible in one year. I’ve never done that (read the bible all the way thru). So this is going to be my new devotional time. Thanks!

  3. Laura P says:

    Awesome! Let me know how it works for you guys. I really like it. 🙂

  4. Kristie says:

    hi laura,

    Thanks so much for your awesome post and review of our Bible Study Tools at Christianity.com! I hope that you continue to growth closer to Christ through the Bible in a Year program. Have you been able to check out our devotionals? I would suggest reading “Encouragement for Today” or the “Girlfriends in God” – you can read them in the Bible Study Tools program or receive them daily in your email inbox! The devotionals really help me to start my day off on the right foot!

    Thanks again for the recommendation! Please let me know if you have any feedback or comments!

    God Bless,
    Kristie Rutzel
    Marketing Coordinator, Salem Web Network