Pirate Movies

In case you were wondering why I didn’t post a blog last night, here’s the story.  I got bored so I decided to rip the Pirates of Patmos DVD and turn it into a short music video that follows the basic storyline.  I am by no means an expert in video editing, but I love playing around with it. 

In fact, I love it so much that I accidentally stayed up until 4 am working on it.  Hey, it’s not easy squeezing 2 hours of content into a 6 minute video!  Plus, it was already late when I started. 🙂

Here’s the completed video…check it out.

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1 Response

  1. Gary says:

    Great job with the video! It is a fun way to remember Pirates without spending 2 hours watching the whole play.

    Are there going to be more Laura Edited Music Videos from ALC Player Productions? I’m looking forward to them.