Inspired? Not So Much

It’s been two days since my last blog entry. I have to be honest, it’s not because I’ve been too busy to write. It’s because I’m completely, totally uninspired. Maybe it’s the post-vacation blues. After all, nothing lives up to the fun of last week. No blog topic seems quite as interesting as the French Riviera.

Sure, I could write about:

Any one of those topics would work, but for some reason, they don’t hold the normal appeal. I want to be writing about an exotic destination or an exciting day that didn’t include back-to-back conference calls, frustrating work challenges and stress.

Instead, I’m stuck at home on a Friday night writing about nothing…hopelessly devoid of inspiration.

Luckily, the weekend is here. I’m hoping the 2-day break will put an end to my writer’s block and bring back my blogging “mojo.” <cue snarky Austin Powers voice> Oh Yeah, Baby! <end Austin Powers voice>

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