
We celebrated my niece’s 16th birthday this evening with a family party at my sister’s house. It made me reflect back to the day I turned sixteen.

Sixteen is such a magical age. It’s when you start driving and that brings new freedoms and liberties with it. I guess that’s why they call it your “sweet” sixteen.

For my sixteenth birthday, I received a huge surprise — a car! I had no idea it was coming, and I was completely blown away. It was a classic ’68 Mustang — sweet, indeed.

I took my driving test on my 16th birthday, passed the test, and drove to school for the first time. It was a major milestone in my life. I experienced many other milestones that year including:

  • Winning the Student President election by one vote
  • Taking first place at state for female quartet
  • Traveling to New York for Nationals, singing at the Statue of Liberty
  • Taking first place for a female quartet at Nationals (it was the first time one of our singing groups had even placed there)!!
  • Starting my first job (gift wrapper and then sales associate at Lord & Taylor’s)
  • Graduating (yeah, that’s right…I graduated a year early — it’s a private school thing.)
  • My best friend moving to New York with her sister (she eventually realized that there’s no place like TX and came back home)
  • Changing churches and attending ALC
  • Meeting the man who would eventually become my husband

Ah, those were such great times. Sixteen was truly a sweet year.


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2 Responses

  1. Angela says:

    Wow! That was quite a year! I’m trying to remember my 16th year. I did buy a car…and Tracey gave me my first birthday present which he wrapped himself (in Christmas paper). That was a year filled with young love. Happy memories.

  2. Laura P says:

    Haha…love it! At least he was creative with your first birthday present.