Is Nothing Sacred?

A 22-year old college graduate recently made headlines when she put her virginity up for sale. Natalie Dylan (a pseudonym used “for safety reasons”) is auctioning her virginity to help pay for a Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (ironic, huh?). Bidding has skyrocketed to absurd levels with the latest offers coming in at $3.7M. Articles quoting Natalie state that she insists, “We live in a capitalistic society. Why shouldn’t I be allowed to capitalize on my virginity?” She also added, “It’s shocking that men will pay so much for someone’s virginity, which isn’t even prized so highly anymore.” A Nevada brothel, Moonlight Bunny Ranch, is where the act will take place. Dylan’s sister works there as a prostitute to pay for her college debts.

Even the mother of a 21-year old son with Down’s syndrome is advertising online begging someone to sleep with him. She wants him to “enjoy the same experiences as other men his age” so she’s working hard to help him lose his virginity. She’s even willing to pay for a prostitute if she can’t find a partner for him.

I just can’t keep my emotions reigned in when I read stuff like that. It’s wrong on so many different levels:

  • It’s disturbing that people have such little regard for their bodies and their value as individuals.
  • It’s further proof of the moral decline of our society.
  • It trivializes sex and degrades those who still hold their virginity.

However, the thing that saddens me the most is that these people don’t even seem to realize the value of having a wholesome relationship where sex is saved for marriage. In our society, sex is no longer sacred. Virginity is no longer valued. But the real shame is that people have no idea what they are giving up when they subscribe to the “sex is no big deal” mentality. They have no understanding of the beauty and intimacy that can be achieved when a couple waits for marriage.

Sharing a sexual relationship with your spouse (and only your spouse) is an amazing experience. It creates a special bond shared between you and only one other person in the world — pure, wholesome, and untainted by other experiences. This is where you find true intimacy, love, and acceptance. This type of relationship IS highly valued. It IS sacred. I can’t imagine trading it for any amount of money.

People will tell you it doesn’t matter. They will say not having premarital sex is old-fashioned or unrealistic, but it’s not true. Don’t buy into the lies (check out “Why wait for sex? A Look at the Lies We Face” for an excellent blog on this topic). Don’t sacrifice true beauty for a cheap imitation. In the end, it’s not worth it.


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2 Responses

  1. theLakattack says:

    Religion “should” be, but its not sacred. I prove this everyday of my life. Come to my blog, where I typically try to tear everything that’s “sacred” up. Sorry, I’m a huge existentialist. I really enjoyed your post, and I agree with what you’re saying, but at the end of the day, there’s no point to anyone of it… so its all arbitrary.

  2. Laura P says:

    Thanks for the comment. I agree that religion is no longer sacred, but I think relationship is more important than religious traditions anyway. If you don’t know God then all of the other stuff is pointless.

    I don’t believe that everything is pointless, however. For those who are religious, there’s tremendous significance to the teachings around sexual purity and marriage.

    Taking religion out of the equation, there’s still value. Treating sex as a sacred bond shared only between those who are married can result in a higher quality of life. For example, it can prevent sexual diseases and unwanted pregnancies at young ages. It also enhances the depth of a marital relationship. Those benefits are not pointless in my opinion.