A Tribute To Moms

Bill Shuler’s blog on Friday included 10 thoughts about Moms for Mother’s Day. As we prepare to honor our mothers on Sunday, I thought these were fitting to share:

  1. “All I am I owe to my Mother.” — George Washington
  2. “I remember my Mother’s prayers and they have always followed me.” — Abraham Lincoln
  3. “Do not forsake your Mother’s teaching.”– Proverbs 1:8
  4. Mom’s heartbeat was our very first affirmation that we were not alone.
  5. Although we made our debut wrinkled, squished and screaming, Mom thought we were the most beautiful sight she had ever seen.
  6. A mom’s love can be found in the beauty of adoption and the wisdom of counsel.
  7. The cord was cut at birth but the heartstrings are attached forever.
  8. When God thought to describe his love for us he said, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.”
  9. There was a time when Mom mended scrapes and tended to bruises –- now just the thought of her brings healing.
  10. She made you feel like your first play was Shakespeare, your first game – the World Series, your first painting – Michelangelo.

Bill also pointed out that even while Jesus was dying on the cross, he made certain that his mother would be cared for by his followers. Wow, what a strong example for us to follow — not only once a year on Mother’s Day, but all year long!

Our mothers endured 9 months of pregnancy, birth, diapers, and a whole host of other nasty duties in order to give us a good start in life. They were always there when we needed them — and still are. So, be sure to honor your mom tomorrow, but don’t stop there. Honor her in word and deed; tell her “thanks” even when it’s not a contrived holiday — it’ll mean even more to her when you do it unprompted.


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