Opening Night

Opening night is over, and I’m delighted! A fantastic crowd showed up. We came close to selling out the main floor! The audience was awesome. They “cheered, booed, and aww’d” in all of the right places. They also did a good job of throwing popcorn at my nemesis.

I’d like to give a special thanks to all of the ALC’ers, family and friends who came tonight — more than 25 of you were there to cheer us on and watch the show! And, I know that more of you will be there tomorrow and next weekend. I can’t wait!

After the show, one of the cast members threw an opening night party at a nearby restaurant in downtown McKinney. All of the cast, crew, producers and MRT board members were invited. We had a fun evening talking about the show and hanging out with new friends. Here are a few pics from tonight’s party.

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Gary, Courtney (giving her FaceBook pose), Mohini, Daniel, and Mandi

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Jake, Jake’s wife, and Lisa — MRT Producers

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Jayne giving Mohini a quick hug before calling it a night

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Dennis (our host) and friends


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