SNL and The Royal Family

Aside from church, the bulk of the day was spent prepping for Saturday Night Life, the comedy show that we’re doing on October 9-10th. Gary finished writing his scripts, and I worked on various production-related duties.

Auditions were held last Thursday, and the actors were notified of their casting assignments on Friday. Rehearsals start tomorrow. The last few days have been a whirlwind of activity as I’ve been getting ready for all of these events.

We have a great cast this year. It’s a much larger group than we’ve had in past years, but I think it will be a nice change and we’ll be introducing some variety and new faces. It should be another exciting adventure!

Gary and I took a quick break from the SNL activities this evening to attend the evening performance of Theatre Three’s “The Royal Family.” We managed to score some last-minute complimentary tickets from one of our “Hartburn Hotel” actor friends. We knew one of the actresses in the production, so it was fun to see her perform. She has an impressive list of theater credits and awards. She also appeared on an episode of Fox TV’s Prison Break.

In this play, she was the family matriarch, and she did an amazing job in that role! In fact, the entire cast was top-notch. The play did run a bit long, but the performances were outstanding.

It was a fun evening…and a nice break from the pre-production SNL duties. Now it’s time for me to get back to work, though! It’s late, and I still have some items I need to wrap up before I get in bed.

Have a great week!


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