Top 5: Funny Halloween Costumes

Wow, Halloween is only two weeks away! I’m not throwing a party this year, but our church is hosting a “trunk or treat” party so I could still dress for the occasion. According to the articles I’ve read recently, reality tv stars and dead celebrities (like MJ and Farrah Fawcett) are going to be all the rage this year. Palin and Madoff costumes are also surprisingly popular. And don’t forget the crazy musicians, Lady Gaga and Amy Winehouse.

If those ideas don’t suit you, check out my “top 5” funny options this year:

  • Illegal Alien. This costume is being blasted by activists, but they need to lighten up. It’s hilarious.
  • Kanye and Taylor Swift (couples idea). Anyone who saw (or read about) the events that occurred during the MTV Music Awards will understand why this is so funny.
  • Octomom. Eight babies and lots of plastic surgery equates to a very interesting costume.
  • Swine Flu. Since this illness seems to be infecting everyone lately, it’s pretty timely.

    Kate Gosselin. I’m not a fan of the “Kate and John Plus 8” tv show, but you have to admit that this one would be lots of fun. You can carry around a bunch of baby dolls, scream, yell, and act like a control freak all night. Besides, who doesn’t want to wear the worst haircut in the world for a day?

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2 Responses

  1. Gary Sr. says:

    My favorite from this year is a country music singer (guitar, hat, boots, jeans etc), with a Darth Vader mask. What do you call it? Darth Brooks. (bad pun intended).

  2. Laura P says: it!