Tell Me
I saw a something on Facebook tonight that made me stop and reminisce for a few minutes. The post asked people to “Tell me what God has done for you in 2009.” Of course, I could rattle off the standard responses: amazing spouse, loving family, rewarding career, true friends, and a church that I absolutely love. These blessings are more than I deserve, and I’m truly thankful for each and every one of them.
However, those things aren’t what made me pause when I read the statement. 2009 brought many challenges into my life. Unanswered questions, frustration, unfathomable stress, and intermittent health issues plagued me like never before. At times, it seemed like I was drowning, barely able to keep my head above water, but through it all I had a confidante, someone who was always standing by just waiting to be the source of strength that I needed. Through the good and the bad, He was always there. In fact, I can honestly say I’ve never felt closer to Him in my entire life.
Through the struggles of 2009, I somehow managed to develop a deeper, more intimate, more passionate relationship with God. It’s difficult to articulate. One of the only ways I can explain it is to say that I feel like I’m starving for Him. Maybe the feeling was initially born out of the desire to find the guidance I desperately needed during a stressful time in my life, but even afterwards it remains. The more I’m around Him, the more I want Him. His love overwhelms me. I can’t get enough, and I wish everyone could experience what I feel. It’s truly amazing. Some might even say life-changing.
I’d be lying if I said I was thankful for the challenges in my life. I’m not. I wish my job was easy. I wish I didn’t have ulcerative colitis. I wish I had answers to all of the questions floating around in my mind. I wish I knew God’s ultimate plan. Yes, I know that these challenges force me to grow, teach me to rely on Him instead of myself, and ultimately make me stronger. Even so, I don’t like them.
If I had to experience these challenges to get to this point in my relationship with God, then it was worth it. I know I still have a long way to go. He’s working on me, challenging me to change my priorities, which I’m finding is easy to say you’re going to do, but terribly difficult to actually do it. He’s also challenging me to do something more significant. I’m not exactly sure what it is yet, but I’m following Him in faith and anxiously awaiting His guidance as I look ahead to 2010.
It’s a horrendously long answer to what should have been a simple question. However, God changed me this year. He disrupted my life in a beautiful way, and I just couldn’t explain that in a 10-15 word comment on Facebook.
How about you? Think beyond the obvious, ask yourself what God has really done for you in 2009, and then take a few minutes to give Him thanks. It’s the best gift He could get during this Christmas season.
Great post! I must admit that the hardest part for me is to simply slow down enough to reflect on the year.
Thanks! Yeah, it’s really hard to slow down sometimes. I completely understand.