In Tune

It’s been a few years since my piano was tuned. To keep it properly maintained, it should be tuned twice a year. I play it regularly, but I really didn’t notice how bad it had become until I heard the difference tonight. My Dad came to my house and tuned it, bringing back the glowing tonal quality it had begun to lose. The sound is now richer, more true, beautiful.

As I was enjoying the music, I thought about the importance of tuning — it’s not only significant for musical instruments, but it’s also important in our own lives. As we go through life, outside influences knock against us, throwing us off pitch. We listen to the voices of the media, absorb the opinions of the world, and feel that we’re pretty much in tune with those around us.

It’s not until we commune with our heavenly Father that we realize just how wrong we are. The farther we get away from Him, the more out of tune we can become. That’s why it’s important to keep up with the proper maintenance activities — going to church, reading the Bible, and taking time to pray.

God’s word, the Bible, is like a tuning fork. It gives us the proper pitch to which we can align our lives and our priorities. Prayer and inspired preaching help ensure we are in tune with God and not the world.

So, if it’s been a while since you’ve had a “tune up,” head over to your church this Sunday or dust off your Bible and delve into some of the New Testament passages where you can read the teachings of Jesus. It’s the best way to regain the proper pitch in your life.


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2 Responses

  1. Josh says:

    Does your dad tune piano’s for anyone but you? I have one that needs tuning.

  2. Laura P says:

    Hey Josh…when I was a kid, he tuned pianos as a side business. He hasn’t done it for anyone else (other than family) in years. His “day job” keeps him pretty busy, but he still does it for me. 🙂