New Year’s Eve

Gary performed in a 50’s themed murder mystery dinner/show at the Omni Park Hotel in Dallas on New Year’s Eve, so we went to watch him and enjoy the entertainment. It was a blast!

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Ready for the show to begin!

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Our fellow “crime solvers”

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Gary, the star of the show. He was the private detective trying to solve “whodunit”

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Hula hoop contest. During the show, they had lots of entertainment and 50’s-style dancing (bunny hop, the twist, etc) between the acts and the four-course meal.

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The cast of the play. It was a fun show and challenging mystery. After they revealed who the murderer was, we got ready to ring in the new year with a balloon drop, noisemakers, and confetti. It was lots of fun!

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Happy New Year!

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Great friend and a fun night!


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