With A Little Help

In the ’60s, Paul McCartney and John Lennon wrote a song titled, “With a Little Help from My Friends.” A well-known song with easily recognizable lyrics, it appears in Rolling Stone’s “500 Greatest Songs of All Time.” Most people can immediately recite the words, “I get by with a little help from my friends. Gonna try with a little help from my friends.” They are simple words, but nonetheless true. It’s amazing how friends can help you “get by” in good times and bad times.

Even in the normal, mundane activities of our lives, friends enhance the experience. They laugh with you, listen to your stories, provide advice, and motivate you. I find it interesting that even the things you dread can become fun in the presence of a friend. My good friends know that one of the things I hate are baby showers. Those events try my patience, so I usually bring a companion to share the torture with me. Having someone there who is willing to discuss topics other than babies and the birthing experience somehow makes the event bearable.

Working out is another activity that is always goes better with friends. I met one of my best friends at the gym for a workout tonight, and it was great. The boredom of walking on a treadmill or pedaling a stationary bike was replaced with laughter and conversation about interesting topics.

A 60-minute workout feels like forever when you are alone, but it passes in a heartbeat with a friend. People who exercise with a friend are more likely to stay motivated longer. After all, It’s harder to bail on a friend who is waiting for you at the gym. Friends also push you further, challenge your weaknesses, and boost your confidence.

Thank God for friends and the little bit of help they bring our way!


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