How Can I Say No?

Some people say that life is series of adventures. You finish one and then move on to the next. At least I think that’s the way it’s supposed to be. The problem is that I can’t seem to do it. I have a serious problem saying no to any fun opportunity that comes my way. I try to absorb all of the fun adventures at once–sometimes, to my detriment. I promised myself that would take a brief hiatus from the “adventures” in life after (1) my Dad’s stroke, (2) my unexpected increase in responsibility at work, and (3) my last directing gig at ALC. I needed a break, so I took one–for a short time anyway.

Only two months later, I find myself gearing up for the next Saturday Night Life show, getting ready for a huge launch at work, AND I just decided to audition for another play. What was I thinking? It’s no wonder I’m always busy. It’s my own fault. Maybe I need therapy.

Oh, I may have also forgotten to mention that I still want to compete in the corporate challenge, and I’m trying to keep up with a demanding Taekwondo regiment each night. Argh, I just can’t seem to turn down a cool opportunity.

I’ll find out on Saturday if I received a part in the play. If it doesn’t happen, it may be a blessing. If it does, then I’ll be extremely busy again, but I think it’ll be worth it. It could be the start of a really fun adventure with a new theater company. The play is called “Leaving Iowa” and performances start in September at the Courtyard Theatre in Plano.


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