Don’t Listen to the Voices

The last thing I want to do at the end of a long day is exercise. When I’m tired, my brain refuses to believe that exercise will make me feel better. It’s counterintuitive. How can expending more energy give you more energy?

My brain, my flesh tells me to rest. Resting is how I’m supposed to recover and recharge after a stressful day. It’s what’s best. Or, is it?

I found myself going against the voices in my head last week. I refused to listen to their enchanting cries. Instead of sitting on the couch, I got up, put on my workout clothes, and rode my indoor trainer. I managed to ignore the voices for four nights last week. After all, I am supposed to be training for the MS 150 in April. I need the exercise.

Some sessions were longer than others — ranging from as little as 15 minutes to as much as an hour. The funny thing is that when each session ended, I felt much better, not a little better, much better. It didn’t happen once. It happened every time. My exercise fueled my energy, removed my stress, and made my day better.

My conclusion? The voices in my head lie. They can’t be trusted.

Another voice comes to me at the end of the day telling me I’m too tired to read God’s word or pray. My flesh balks at the idea of having another task to complete. It wants to rest. It begs for a break. After all, rest is good, right? Lies, lies, and more lies! Exercising your spiritual muscles reaps the same rewards as physical exercise — and more. It can calm your nerves and give you peace and energy to face the next day. It makes you stronger. It makes you better.

Don’t listen to the voices. They are wrong. You don’t get stronger — physically or spiritually — by sitting on a couch and letting your muscles atrophy. The only way to gain strength is to exercise. So, get up and get moving. Run around the block. Crack open a Bible. Go to the gym. Spend some time on your knees in prayer. The rewards are worth the effort every time — all you have to do is ignore those pesky little voices.


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