Best Day Yet

The weather was perfect today — sunny and warm. It was, without a doubt, the best day so far! See below for a short photoblog.

I’ll upload more pictures in the gallery tomorrow. It’s late, and I need to get some sleep so I can have enough energy for another fun-filled day of sightseeing.

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Walked out of the hotel and enjoyed the warm weather and gorgeous views on the promenade

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View of Nice from the promenade

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Me enjoying the lovely day

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Visited the flower and food market in Old Nice. This is where the locals shop and they had everything — fresh fruit, fish, veggies, spices, desserts, flowers, etc. It was great.

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Stopped and watched a local street performer tap dancing. He also sang “Johnny Be Good” in English and was actually quite good at both.

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Traversed the streets of Old Nice

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Toured an old Italian Palace from the 1700s

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Gary in one of the palace rooms

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We climbed up castle hill where the city of Nice was first settled. The views were AMAZING!!!!!

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Having a blast

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Park on top of castle hill — people were juggling, playing soccer (or football if you’re French), reading on park benches, and simply enjoying the day

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View of the Nice lighthouse and port…look how blue the water is…gorgeous!

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Ah, I LOVE Nice!

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The port of Nice…more yachts. 🙂

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Walked out to the lighthouse

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Relaxed on the beach and watched kids playing in the ocean — even saw people sunbathing in swimsuits earlier in the day!

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Watched an amazing sunset — God painted a beautiful sky for us tonight

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Had dinner at a strange “American” restaurant called Buffalo Bills


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