Category: Daily Life

Mystery in the Library

Mystery in the Library

We hosted our first murder mystery party tonight for the young married’s group at church. This particular mystery centered around popular children’s book characters. They come to life in the library each evening to...

2009 TIME 100 Finalists

2009 TIME 100 Finalists

Want to help pick the Top 100 most influential people in the world? TIME magazine is letting readers cast their votes for the leaders, entertainers, and entrepreneurs who deserve a spot on the 2009...

CABI Party

CABI Party

It’s 3 am, so I’m going to be keeping the blot short tonight because I have to get some sleep to be able to function at work tomorrow. I had an interesting experience tonight....

Shades of Grey

Shades of Grey

Some days I wish I could live in a black-and-white world where it was easy to distinguish right from wrong. Our society has given us a world obscured by shades of grey. They preach...

Is Nothing Sacred?

Is Nothing Sacred?

A 22-year old college graduate recently made headlines when she put her virginity up for sale. Natalie Dylan (a pseudonym used “for safety reasons”) is auctioning her virginity to help pay for a Masters...

The Seventh Day

The Seventh Day

“And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.” Gen. 2:2 (KJV) The seventh day...



Upset about AIG bonuses? Sick of the stock market? Hating Chris Brown? Tired of Obama already? Now you can get some payback and release all of your pent up anger by bringing disaster to...
