Category: Travel

Cycling in the Rain

Well, the rain didn’t stop. It continued for the better part of the day. We met our group early in the morning to determine whether we would continue with the ride or take a...

Cycling in Salzburg:  Day Two

Cycling in Salzburg: Day Two

We woke early on Thursday — the time change will do that to you — so we grabbed a quick breakfast and went exploring again. This time, we decided to make the trek to...

Salzburg, Austra:  Day One

Salzburg, Austra: Day One

After a 9-hour flight, 5-hour layover, and one additional 50 minute flight, we landed in Salzburg. The trip was long, but I have to say it was well worth it! It’s gorgeous here, and...

Counting Down

Counting Down

I’m starting to get really excited. In May, I’ll be embarking on another overseas adventure, with a twist. Instead of the standard vacation, this trip will be a cycling excursion starting in Salzburg, Austria...

Bienvenidos a Miami

Bienvenidos a Miami

On Thursday, I flew from Orlando to Miami to inspect the hotel where we will host our annual Collaboration Summit in November. After a long week cooped inside the Gaylord resort and convention center,...

Back in Orlando

Back in Orlando

It’s time for my annual trek to the Gaylord Palms in Orlando for Enterprise Connect (formerly VoiceCon), the biggest Unified Communications/Voice technology trade show in the industry. I have to admit that while I...

The Long Road Home

The Long Road Home

Sunday started early…no, seriously, it was REALLY early. We left the hotel at 1 am for our trip back to the airport. Our plane from Tel Aviv to Frankfurt departed at 5:30 am, and...

Israel: The Final Day

Israel: The Final Day

On our last day in Israel, we explored the Old City of Jerusalem and walked down the famous Via Dolorosa (the path that Jesus walked as He was led out of the city to...

Israel: Day of the Dead

Israel: Day of the Dead

On Friday, we ventured outside of Jerusalem to visit some of the “dead” tourist attractions — the Dead Sea Scroll caves, the Dead Sea, and Masada (site of a mass suicide). On the way,...
