Laura Inside Out Blog

Smiles Predict Success?

Smiles Predict Success?

Do you smile in pictures? According to recent studies conducted by the University of California, Berkeley and DePauw University, kids with big grins in their school pictures are more likely to have a happy...



I’m signing up for, one of the leading blog search engines. indexes millions of blog posts in real time and surfaces them in seconds. It’s a great site for people who want...

Fire the Pool Guy

Fire the Pool Guy

Let’s face it…we’re in the middle of a recession, and people are searching for ways to cut unnecessary costs. Some are canceling their home phone lines and relying solely on mobile phones. Others are...

Sad State of Affairs

Sad State of Affairs

Life is short. Have an affair. Those are the words painted on a truck that has been rolling through Dallas in recent weeks. An online infidelity dating site is embarking on a media tour...

To Race or Not to Race?

To Race or Not to Race?

That is the question I must face. The annual Richardson Corporate Challenge is underway. It’s an Olympic style competition involving 22 athletic and non-athletic events beginning in August and running through early October. Each...

People of Walmart

People of Walmart

If your week has been half as bad as mine, then you probably need a good laugh. Look no further than The site was founded in August of 2009 by three friends after...

Under the Influence of Texting

Under the Influence of Texting

Texting is a great way to communicate with your friends, family and colleagues. These short messages can be sent and received on your mobile phone anytime, anywhere. It’s convenient, quick, and sometimes dangerous. A...

Bad Mondays

Bad Mondays

Why must Mondays be so bad? Wouldn’t it be nice if they slowly eased us back into the work environment instead of slapping us in the face with it? Slow and easy never seems...
